51063002-Research on Special Studies on International Economic Law


Course Syllabus of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law


CourseTitle:       Research on Special Studies on International EconomicLaw

Course Code




Teaching Hours






Instructor   Information


Sumei Yu




Department of   International Economic Law, Law School

Applicable Object

International   doctoral students




Course Objectives


This course not   only intends to introduce to the students the  theories, systems and frontiers of International Economic Law, but also    concentrate  on   developing the question- oriented mind of the   international students, and on raising   their ability of   legal reasoning,    analysis and  making  findings. So the ability to make breakthroughs by using   the knowledge available in the   reading materials provided and   elsewhere is the mostimportant goal pursuedin thiscourse.



Course   Description (200 words)


This course is   designed to introduce the theories and frontiers of International Economic   Law. It consists basically of six parts as follows:

Part I deals with the fundamental legal   problems including the hierarchy of the International economic law system and  its jurisprudence in particular.

Part II is the international commerce   law, including the international legal systems on cross- border trade  transactions, international transportation and insurance and international   payment etc.

Part III is devoted to international trade regulation at   various levels, but


concentrate more on the WTO systemand especially on the following key

areas: (1) border measures and its   relation with domestic regulation; (2) trade remedies, including dumping and   anti- dumping system, subsidies & countervailing system, and safeguard   system; (3) GATS regulating trade in services; (4) WTO and regional trade   agreements (RTAs); (5) WTO dispute settlement mechanism; (6) Other optional   topics (if time allows).

Part IV is on international   investment law, coveringthe main systemas well as some hot topics   such as national security review on foreign investment. Part V is on international monetary and financial law, mainly covering the international monetary system   and some typical internationalloans.

Part VI is   about international taxation law, covering conflicts of international taxation   jurisdiction and their solutions.




Assessment Methods


Score for this course consist of two parts: (1) Class performance:  50%. (2)Final exam:50%.

Class performance (in form of questions   and answers, and presentation with PPT within 20 minutes);

Final exam may take the form of academic   papers or other forms, depending largely on the students’ level and ability.   The form to be adopted for the final exam will be announced before the last   week of the semester.






Textbooks and References


Required textbook:

Jianming      Sheng,    International   Economic    Law,                  Beijing:  University        of International Business and Economics Press,2017.

Other referential books:

Yonghong Han,   International Trade Law, Beijing: University of International Business and   Economics Press, 2008.

Fabai Sun,WTO & International Economic Law, Beijing: University of International Business and Economics Press, 2008.

Andreas F. Lowenfeld, InternationalEconomic Law, 2nd ed., Oxford University Press, 2008.

Course   planning



Chapter 1


Opening   remarks, introduction to the course outline, furnishing students with the   syllabus and the reading material to read for the 2nd time.



Chapter 2


Topic1: the general theory or jurisprudence ofIEL

Topic2: comparative analysis and comments on the prevailing jurisprudence of IEL in China   and that represented byforeign scholars



Chapter 3


Topic1: introduction to CISG 1980

Topic2: Case analysis on application of CISG1980



Chapter 4


Topic1:   obligations of sellers and buyers Topic2: risks allocation in sales contract



Chapter 5


Topic1: marine cargo insurance

Topic2: international contract for transportation of goods



Chapter 6


Topic1:   payment in Foreign Trade Topic2: letter of credit and UCP 600



Chapter 7


Topic1: introduction to the GATT/WTO legal system

Topic2: National Treatment and MFN treatment in GATT/WTO



Chapter 8


Topic1:   dumping and anti- dumping system Topic2: subsidies and countervailing   measures



Chapter 9


Topic1: safeguard measures

Topic2: regulations on trade in services and GATS



Chapter 10


Topic1: WTO   and regional trade agreements (RTAs) Topic2: dispute settlement mechanism of   the WTO



Chapter 11


Topic1:   Foreign investment law in general Topic2: China’s foreign investment law



Chapter 12


Topic1: National security review on foreign investment Topic2: cases   discussion



Chapter 13


Topic1: standard of treatment

Topic2: practice and controversies




Chapter 14


Topic1: political risks and MIGA convention

Topic2: disputes settlement and   Washington Convention (Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes   Between States and Nationals of Other States)



Chapter 15


Topic1:   international monetary and financial law in general Topic2: typical   international loan



Chapter 16


Topic1: tax jurisdiction and international tax law

Topic2: challenges in the digital era & summary of the   course

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