2021’s Top 10 News of Legal Education, 3 of which came from ZUEL!


On January 26, Legal Daily announced the results of the Top Ten News of Legal Education in 2021, plus a summary of the top ten efforts and a comprehensive review of the development achievements of legal education in China in 2021. Among them, three major legal education news of our university were selected.

The Civil Code of the People’s Republic of China (Italian version) by Huang Meiling, the professor of the Law School of ZUEL, was published in Italy, the first Italian version of the Civil Code.

To celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, Legal Daily launched a series of special editions of “A Century of Struggle and a New Journey: Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China”. On June 30th, it published a report From a blank Sheet of Paper to a Complete Socialist Law Discipline, featuring interviews with president of China University of Political Science and Law, Fu Zitang; president of the Southwest University of Political Science and Law, Guo Weilu; secretary of the East China University of Political Science and Law, Luan Yongyu; secretary of the Zhongnan University of Economics and Law; and Yang Zongke, president of the Northwest University of Politics and Law. Through their narration of the development history of the five law universities under the former Ministry of Justice in terms of red gene inheritance, rule of law talent cultivation and multidisciplinary construction, they comprehensively demonstrated the glorious achievements of Chinese socialist law disciplines from unity to diversity, from western to local, from a blank sheet of paper to a complete range of disciplines, sharing the same fate with the national rule of law and the same pace with the development of the motherland.

The “2021 Law Youth Seminar for Universities in Central China”, organized by ZUEL, was held in Wuhan, China, focusing on the “100-year Journey of Rule of Law under the Leadership of the Communist Party of China”.

In 2005, major law schools and research institutions nationwide joined hands with the authoritative media on the rule of law in China, such as the Rule of Law Daily (now Legal Daily), to successfully hold the first National Top Ten News Contest on Legal Education, which had a significant impact in the field of legal education in China. By 2020, the event had been successfully held for 15 times and had received wide attention from media such as People’s Daily, Guangming Daily, China Education Daily, People’s Court Daily, etc., with increasing social influence. In 2021, the Legal Daily openly called for submissions from all law schools and law research institutions nationwide for the annual collection of news events or figures involving Chinese law education and research results. The selected top ten legal education news of the year, which enjoyed widespread attention and considerable social influence, were listed below.

An Introduction to Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law was published and released

In order to promote Xi Jinping thought on the rule of law into the teaching materials and classrooms and minds, the book Introduction to Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law (hereinafter referred to as Introduction), has been published by the Higher Education Press, as a key textbook of the Marxist theory research and construction project organized by the Central Publicity Department and the Chinese Law Society. With 20 chapters in nearly 270,000 words, the Introduction consists of Introduction + three editions, explaining the distinctive features, significance, rich connotations, core meanings, scientific methods and practical requirements of Xi Jinping thought on the Rule of Law, which comprehensively reflects that Xi Jinping thought on the Rule of Law is a scientific theoretical system with rich connotation, profound exposition, rigorous logic and complete system. It is an important part of Xi Jinping's socialist thought with Chinese characteristics in the new era, and is the fundamental theoretical and action guide for the comprehensive rule of law. The Introduction insists on being faithful to the original text, language and meaning, and insists on literal interpretation, academic expression and systematic construction, which is a key textbook for law students in colleges and universities to systematically learn and master Xi Jinping thought on the Rule of Law.


Ministry of Education, Chinese Law Society, Law Schools Actively Promoted Xi Jinpings Rule of Law Thought Publicity Research and Three Advancesinto colleges and universities, into teaching materials, into the classroom

On January 16, the Xi Jinping Institute of Rule of Law Thought of China University of Political Science and Law was inaugurated, and on March 14, the Xi Jinping Research Center of Rule of Law Thought of Tianjin University was established at the Law School of Tianjin University.

On the afternoon of March 10, Northwestern University of Political Science and Law opened its first lecture on The Formation Process and Theoretical System of Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law by Professor Yang Zongke, Director of Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law. President Ma Huaide gave a lecture on The Core of Xi Jinping thought on the Rule of Law as the lecturer of the first class of Introduction toXi Jinping thought on the Rule of Law at China University of Political Science and Law. In the same month, Prof. Guo Weilu, Secretary of the Party Committee of East China University of Political Science and Law, gave the first course on Introduction to Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law at Huazheng University of Political Science and Law, and Mr. Fu Zitang, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and President of Southwest University of Political Science and Law, gave a demonstration public class on Situation and Policy - Introduction to Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law at Yubei Campus on September 10.

On May 28th, in order to improve the education and teaching of law teachers, the Ministry of Education instructed the Steering Committee of Law Teaching in Universities to launch a lecture on Xi Jinpings Rule of Law Thought for law teachers nationwide.

In June, the first activity of Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law of Tsinghua University Law School entered Taian City Peoples Procuratorate in Shandong Province.

In October, the Chinese Law Society added a special issue of Xi Jinping Thought on Rule of Law Research and Practice in its weekly magazine Democracy and the Rule of Law. From the 18th to the 24th of the same month, the Training Center of the Chinese Law Society held a training course for grass-roots judicial and administrative organs to study Xi Jinping thought on the Rule of Law in Beijing.

In November, China University of Political Science and Law (CUPL) joined hands with six major media to carry out the Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law popularization and publicity campaign. 13 days later, a seminar on Promoting the Modernization of State Governance System and Governance Capacity on the Track of Rule of Law was held at the Haidian Campus of CUPL.

Various law schools took measures to carry out Party history study and education to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China

On March 19, the seminar of the Central Delegation of Party History Learning and Education in Chongqing was held in Southwest University of Political Science and Law, and on March 25, students from the postgraduate teaching group and the seminar of Southwest University of Political Science and Law carried out a series of activities themed as “100 Years of Greatness, One Heart to the Party” in Fengling Town Central Primary School in Wuxi County. On the 31st, a series of learning and practice activities of “Party History and Beliefs” was launched by “1502” New Era Youth Knowledge and Action Club of China University of Political Science and Law.

On “4-15” National Security Education Day, Peking University School of Law held a series of activities to promote the law with the theme of “Learn the Party History and Keep the Initial Mission, Practice the Rule of Law and Protect National Security”. The 2021 Peking University Law and Culture Festival was launched.

On May 21, Lei Jingtian, a large drama about the rule of law construction led by the Chinese Communists during the New Democratic Revolution, was successfully premiered by East China University of Political Science and Law.

On May 22, the Summit Forum on Party History was held at China University of Political Science and Law to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China.

On June 5, the “2021 Law Youth Seminar for Universities in Central China”, sponsored by Central South University of Economics and Law, was held in Wuhan, focusing on the “100-year journey of the rule of law under the leadership of the Communist Party of China”.

On June 12, the Symposium on Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China and the First Western Forum on Party Regulations was held in Chongqing.

On July 10, Peking University Law School went to Xibaipo Patriotic Education Base and visited Xibaipo Memorial Hall and the former site of the CPC Central Committee together with alumni in Hebei.

On Nov. 6, the members’ meeting of the Steering Committee of Law Teaching in Colleges and Universities of the Ministry of Education and the Law Education Research Association of the Chinese Law Society and the annual meeting of 2021 “The Centennial of the Communist Party of China and Chinese Law Education” forum was held in Xiamen.


The first anniversary of the promulgation of the Civil Code law schools to carry out in-depth research on the general law of the Civil Code

In February, CCTV’s “Law Lecture” broadcasted a literary and historical version of the Spring Festival series “Year of the Civil Code”, with professors from several law schools as guest speakers.

On February 18, the first day after the Chinese New Year of the Ox, members of the Southwest University of Political Science and Law’s Civil Code Promotion Team drove to Jubao Village in Chongqing’s Liangping District to deliver the “100 Questions on the Civil Code and People's Life” and the Civil Code Education Series for Youth to the villagers.

On May 28, coinciding with the first anniversary of the adoption of China’s Civil Code, Renmin University of China held the first Civil Code Summit Forum.

In June, the Civil Code of the People’s Republic of China (Italian version) translated by Huang Meiling, professor of the Law School of ZUEL, was published in Italy, which is the first Italian version of the Civil Code.

On July 10, a seminar on “Reform and Development of Civil Law Teaching in China in the Era of Civil Code and Construction of Civic Law Curriculum” was held in Chongqing, jointly sponsored by the Civil Law Research Association of China Law Society and Southwest University of Political Science and Law.

On July 29, the Ministry of publicity held the Fifth China Publishing Government Award Commendation Ceremony in Beijing, and the “Commentary on the Chinese Civil Code (Ten Volumes)” led by Wang Liming, a professor of Renmin University of China, won the Fifth China Publishing Government Award.

Law schools innovated foreign-related rule of law talent training system model

On February 4, the Department of Degree Management and Graduate Education of the Ministry of Education and the Bureau of Lawyers of the Ministry of Justice jointly issued a notice on the implementation of the LLM professional degree (foreign lawyers) postgraduate training program, and decided to select some universities such as Peking University and China University of Political Science and Law to implement the LLM professional degree (foreign lawyers) postgraduate training program. In October, the first graduate students of each university enrolled in the program.

On May 19, Southwest University of Political Science and Law and Sichuan Foreign Studies University signed a joint agreement on the joint training of “One Belt and One Road” foreign-related rule of law talents in Sichuan Foreign Studies University.

In June, the High-end Forum on Cultivating Foreign-related Rule of Law Talents of the Law Education Innovation Alliance was held at the Law School of Tianjin University, and the Tianjin Consensus on Cultivating Foreign-related Rule of Law Talents of the Law Education Innovation Alliance was reached.

On September 5, the joint bachelor’s degree class of China University of Political Science and Law-Beijing Foreign Studies University for foreign-related rule of law talents was opened.


“From a blank sheet of paper to a full range of socialist legal disciplines” published in Legal Daily, a review of the development of legal education in New China over the past seventy years

To celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, Legal Daily launched a series of special editions of “A Century of Struggle and a New Journey: Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China”, and on June 30, published a report ‘From a blank sheet of paper to a complete socialist law discipline”, featuring interviews with Ma Huaide, president of China University of Political Science and Law; Fu Zitang, president of the Southwest University of Political Science and Law; Guo Weilu, secretary of the East China University of Political Science and Law; Luan Yongyu, secretary of the Zhongnan University of Economics and Law; and Yang Zongke, president of the Northwest University of Politics and Law. Through their stories about the development of the red gene inheritance, rule of law talent cultivation and multidisciplinary construction of the five law universities under the former Ministry of Justice, the report presents a comprehensive picture of the development of Chinese socialist law disciplines from unity to diversity, from western to local, from a blank sheet of paper to a full range of disciplines. Brilliant achievements were made in sharing the fate of the rule of law and the development of the motherland.


School of Law actively carried out university-local cooperation to promote local rule of law construction

In June and September, East China University of Political Science and Law and China University of Political Science and Law signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement on jointly building a “Rule of Law Qinghai” in Xining with the High People’s Court of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. The two sides jointly inaugurated the “Legal Research and Practice Base and High-Level Talent Training Base for the Court System”, marking a new progress in the construction of legal talent training mechanism for Xinjiang courts.

On November 8, China University of Political Science and Law and Beijing Tongzhou District People’s Government signed the Strategic Cooperation Agreement, in order to further strengthen the exchange and cooperation on rule of law and promote innovative development.


Evaluation Report on the Implementation of the National Human Rights Action Plan (2016-2020) Released

On September 29, the Evaluation Report on the Implementation of the National Human Rights Action Plan (2016-2020) was released. The report said that the National Human Rights Action Plan (2016-2020) has been fully implemented, with all 168 targets and tasks completed, many of which were completed ahead of schedule or in excess of schedule. This is the third phase of China’s national plan on the theme of human rights. The China Society for Human Rights Studies and the Institute of Human Rights Studies of Southwest University of Political Science and Law were commissioned by the joint meeting mechanism of the National Human Rights Action Plan to conduct an evaluation of the implementation of the action plan.

In December, the book Excerpts from Xi Jinping's Discourse on Respecting and Safeguarding Human Rights, edited by the Institute of Party History and Literature of the CPC Central Committee, was published by the Central Literature Publishing House.


“China University of Political Science and Law Data Rule of Law Research Institute”, “Data Rule of Law Discipline Innovation Base” and “Smart Rule of Law Joint Laboratory” were inaugurated

The first “Data Rule of Law Summit” and “Data Rule of Law Research Institute of China University of Political Science and Law” and “Data Rule of Law Innovation Base” were hosted by China University of Political Science and Law. The inauguration ceremony of the “Joint Laboratory of Smart Rule of Law” was held in Beijing. Hu Ming, Secretary of the Party Committee of China University of Political Science and Law, pointed out in his speech that the creation of data jurisprudence is a concrete initiative to practice Xi Jinping thought on the Rule of Law, and will take the responsibility to solve the major theoretical and practical problems of rule of law construction in China’s digital era, and actively participate in global data governance to enhance China’s discourse and influence in the field of data governance.

The 11th Summit Forum of “Legal Alliance” of National Political Science and Law Schools was held in Northwestern University of Political Science and Law

On July 16, the 11th Summit Forum of the “Legal Alliance” of National Political Science and Law Colleges was held in Xi’an, Shaanxi Province, hosted by Northwest University of Political Science and Law. The forum focused on learning and implementing the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s “July 1st” important speech, the “Three Advances” of Xi Jinping’s rule of law thought, the cultivation of foreign rule of law talents, the construction of new jurisprudence, and the high-quality development of political and legal schools, etc., achieving fruitful results.