【of Master Students】Supervisors of Chinese Law
In Alphabetical Order
Supervisor | Supervisor information |
| 陈虎 Professor Chen Hu E-mail: 784681489@qq.com Research Field: 1. Basic theory of criminal procedure law 2. Criminal defense theory 3. Evidence law |
| 陈晓敏 Associate Professor Chen Xiaomin E-mail:xmjane1023@163.com Research field: 1. History of private law 2. Basic theory of civil law 3. Law of property
| 代高洁 Lecturer Dai Gaojie, E-mail:helendai22@163.com Research field: 1.Copyright Law 2.Antitrust law |
| 江河 Professor Jiang He Vice Dean of Law School E-mail: Bernardjh2002@yahoo.com Research field: 1. International Law 2. International Law of the Sea 3.International organization law |
简基松 Professor Jian Jisong E-mail: jianjisong67@163.com Research field: 1. International Criminal Law 2. International Humanitarian Law 3. Economic Sanctions and the Compulsory guarantee of International Public Law
| 黄美玲 Professor Huang Meiling E-mail: sofiahml@hotmail.com meiling.huang@zuel.edu.cn Research field: 1. Roman Law 2. History of private law 3. Medieval law
| 何鹏 Associate Professor He Peng E-mail: P.He@ed-alumni.net penghe@znufe.edu.cn Renkehe7@126.com Research field: 1. Jurisprudence 2. Comparative Law 3. History of Law 4. Theory of constitution |
| 胡东海 Professor Hu Donghai E-mail:donghaihu@foxmail.com Research field: 1. Basic theory of civil law 2. The burden proof theory 3. Roman Law |
| 李俊 Associate Professor Li Jun Vice Dean of Law School E-mail: lijun-ius@foxmail.com Research field: Civil Law |
| 罗洁 Associate Professor Luo Jie E-mail: luojie@zuel.edu.cn Research Field: 1. International Trade Law 2. WTO Law |
| 刘征峰 Associate Professor Liu Zhengfeng E-mail:cnjurist@126.com Research field: 1. Human Rights Law 2. Civil Law 3. Company Law 4. Family Law 5. Methodology of Jurisprudence |
| 毛玲 Associate Professor Mao Ling E-mail: maoling1116@yahoo.com.cn Research field: 1. Civil procedure law 2. Evidence system 3. Comparison of Chinese and foreign judicial system |
| 祁春轶 Associate Professor Qi Chunyi E-mail:yasmintee@yahoo.de Research Field: 1. Philosophy of law 2. Sociology of law |
| 夏昊晗 Associate Professor Xia Haohan E-mail : xiahaohan@126.com Research field: Civil Law
| 徐伟功 Professor Xu Weigong, Director of Department of Private International Law E-mail: weigongxu@yahoo.com.cn Research field: 1. Private International Law 2. International Civil Litigation 3. International commercial arbitration
| 尹生 ProfessorYin Sheng E-mail: 2734981947@qq.com Research field: 1. Public International Law 2.International Humanitarian Law 3.International Criminal Law 4.International organization law 5.International aviation Law |
| 尤明青 Professor You Mingqing E-mail:you.mingqing@zuel.edu.cn Research field: 1. Environment law 2. Economic law |
| 余素梅 Professor Yu Sumei E-mail : maviszlj@sohu.com Research field: 1.The theory and practice of 2.international economic law 3.International Financial Law、 4.Network Finance Law
| 张作华 Associate Professor Zhang Zuohua E-mail: zuohuazhang@hotmail.com Research field: 1.Basic theory of civil law 2.Law of descent 3.bilingual teaching of law
| 张忠民 Professor Zhang Zhongmin E-mail: zhangzhongmin@zuel.edu.cn Research Field: 1.Environmental Justice 2.Energy Law
| 张青波 Professor Zhang Qingbo Email: zhangqingborechtsanwalt@yahoo.com Research Field: 1. General theory of administrative law 2. Administrative procedure law |
| 周凌 Professor Zhou Ling E-mail: zhouling@zuel.edu.cn Research field: 1. Criminal law 2. Environmental criminology |