Successful Orientation Meeting for International Students of the Class of 2023 Held at the Law School


On the morning of December 1st, the Law School hosted a successful orientation meeting for the international students of the Class of 2023 in Room 615 of Wenzhi Building. Those who attended the meeting included Vice Dean Xiao Zhiyuan; Professor He Hua, the Head of the Intellectual Property Law Master’s Program for International Students, Dai Gaojie and Yang Xi, representatives of international student supervisors, as well as international students of the class of 2023. The event was hosted by Vice Dean Jiang He.


Firstly, Vice Dean Jiang warmly welcomed the international students and outlined the expectations and suggestions for their graduate studies. With a focus on the importance of a diligent and exploratory attitude, he encouraged students to establish effective communication with their supervisors and pursue their research interests. To draw a conclusion, Jiang highlighted key aspects of studying and academic papers and extended his best wishes for their successful academic journey.




Professor He expressed that international students should actively adapt to the learning and living patterns in China, abide by Chinese laws and regulations, as well as the rules and disciplines of ZUEL. With sincerity, he wished the students success in both academic pursuits and personal development.




Supervisor Yang stressed the crucial role of professional courses as the foundation for academic writing. She further advised the students to actively participate in academic conferences to broaden their knowledge and enhance their expertise in both domestic and international contexts.






Speaking on behalf of the international students, DISHA JANNATUL SHAREAT expressed immense joy and gratitude for the opportunity to study in China. Despite the challenges posed by cultural differences, DISHA showed her determination to overcome obstacles, seize every learning opportunity, and elevate her professional competence.




The event concluded with teachers presenting souvenirs to the international students and capturing memorable moments in group photos.