The School of Law Successfully Held The Belt and Road Intellectual Property Teachers and Student’s Orientation Meeting


On the afternoon of April 15th, the School of Law successfully held an orientation meeting for the Belt and Road intellectual property teachers and students in Room 615 of Wenzhi Building. Those who attended the meeting included Professor He Hua, the Head of the Belt and Road Intellectual Property Law Master’s Program for International Students and the member of Intellectual Property Research Center, Associate Professor Liu Xin, Researcher Dai Gaojie, Researcher Chen Mo, Researcher Yang Xi, and Teacher Niu Jing, International Office of Law school, As well as 9 international students of the class of 2023 from Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Tanzania and other countries.

Professor He Hua warmly welcomed the international students, and suggested that they focus on the study of Chinese intellectual property law and related laws, and take the initiative to pay attention to and understand Chinese society. Professor He Hua encouraged everyone to make great achievements in China, and learn China's intellectual property law well, and make good use of China's intellectual property law after returning.

Teacher Dai reviewed the development history and academic status of Intellectual Property Research Center of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law. She vividly introduced Zhongnan University of Economics and Law and Intellectual Property Research Center to international students from rich academic resources, open and inclusive academic atmosphere and friendly campus environment, inspiring international students' yearning for studying and living in school.

During the speech of the international student representatives and the interaction between teachers and students, the international students first expressed their expectations for studying and living in Zhongnan University of Economics and Law. And then they actively spoke and asked questions on topics such as study life, paper writing and cultural integration. The teachers kindly gave replies and suggestions making the atmosphere relaxed and pleasant, and the international students said that they benefited a lot.

The event concluded with capturing memorable moments in group photos.