

主题:美国法学教育及如何申请留学美国法学院(Legal Education in the United States—LL.M. and JD Application and Admission

主讲人:洪燕 美国康涅狄格大学法学院外办主任



主讲人简介: Yan Hong, Director of Graduate Admissions, is in charge of recruiting and admissions of the UCONN Law School LLM programs. She also assumes the responsibilities of promoting the UConn Law School, exploring cooperative opportunities with law schools in foreign countries, and coordinating/planning co-sponsored academic programs and related exchange activities with her counterparts in foreign countries. Yan handles protocols for international visiting scholars and provides them with administrative and procedural support.She has years of experience helping foreign students with their law school applications, admissions and related issues throughout the process. Yan is also the Director of Insurance Law Research, specializing in insurance law research and teaching research methodology for using insurance resources.She provides expert research assistance to faculty and professionals from academia, law firms and corporations aroun the country and abroad.

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