41063015--Legal research and thesis writing


Course Syllabus of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law

Course Title: Legal research and thesis writing

Course Code




Teaching Hours






Instructor Information


Jiang He




ZNUEL, International Education School

Applicable Object

International Students

Course Objectives

Legal research and thesis writing has been set up for the legal science specialized students to expand their knowledge system of courses, train and improve law students' research and writing ability through the learning of research method of law, essay writing of law, and the theory of law subject knowledge. The objectives of this course include: (1) teaching the method of legal learning; (2) communicating the method of writing legal papers; (3) teaching the basic academic norms.

Course Description

(200 words)

Through systematic knowledge explanation, this course can make students better master the learning and research methods of various disciplines of law, and on this basis, further master the writing methods and academic norms of legal papers. This course is organized by following three main lines: first, the general theory of academic writing; second, the method of writing a thesis; and then the specific steps of writing a thesis. It focuses on training students' ability to solve complex theoretical problems and practical problems, so that students can grasp the basic research methods of law discipline and the norms of paper writing, and write papers in line with the requirements of academic norms on this basis.

Assessment Methods

Class presence                                       20%

This assessment is subject to the attendance requirements.

Participation in class discussions           20%

Participation marks are based on a student’s contribution to class discussions. Marks reflect the quality and the quantity of a student’s participation. In preparation for the weekly seminar, students are expected to do the assigned readings.

Paper writing                                         60%

Textbooks and References

Johann Mouton, Basic concepts in the methodology of the social sciences

Richard K. Neumann, Jr, Legal reasoning and legal writing

Suzanne E. Rowe, Legal research writing and analysis

Michael D. Murray, Organizing legal writing

C.R.Kothari, Research Methodology Methods and Techniques

Ranjit Kumar, Research Methodology Methods and Techniques

Course planning

Chapter 1

Introduction to academic writing

Topic1: Definition

Topic2: Basic features

Topic3: Major categories

Topic4: Introduction to and practice of international law

Chapter 2

Systematic knowledge for academic legal writing

Topic1: Concept of academic legal writing

Topic2: Characteristics of legal writing

Topic3: Typology of legal writing

Topic4: Sub-categories of legal writing

Chapter 3

From Legal Reading to/and Legal Writing

Topic1: Systematic knowledge for legal reading

Topic2: Note taking in reading

Topic3: Hot issues of social concern

Topic4: Inspirations accumulation and systematization

Topic5: Thematic reading and study

Topic6: Interactions between reading and writing

Chapter 4

The core question of legal writing

Topic1: Writing stylistics for legal writing

Topic2: Writing methods for legal writing

Topic3: Logics and reasoning for legal writing

Chapter 5

Steps in legal writing 

Topic1: Before framing of outline

Topic2: Framing of writing outline

Topic3: After framing of writing outline

Chapter 6

Formality and procedures of legal writing

Topic1: Theme or title of the dissertation/thesis

Topic2: Access to information

Topic3: Thesis proposal

Topic4: Content and formatting of the paper

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